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In August 1st 2005, a two year Foundation Programme was introduced to replace Pre-Registration and Senior House Officer (PRHO and SHO) appointments, thus, launching a new system of postgraduate training to sit between undergraduate, medical school and Postgraduate Specialist Medical Education.

This site has been compiled by Westminster Publishing for trainees and trainers to explain the 'whys' and 'wherefors' of the New Foundation System, and identifies links with other sites providing background information, and the Deaneries whose job it is to implement the new system. It will evolve with the system and add instructive views from those involved, together with examples of assessment tools and guidance from each specialty. The current Learning Portfolio is included as an attachment.

The house job system was introduced in 1953 soon after the start of the National Health Service. It exposed newly qualified doctors to the responsibilities of looking after medical and surgical patients, but it was loosely structured and had no formal supervised training, education or assessment.

A new system had been suggested for many decades but was actively pursued following the publication of a CMO document in 2002 called Unfinished Business. This proposed a new unified two year system of workplace assessment and feedback for trainees. They would then take on informed responsibility for their future progress. They should develop a lifelong desire and ability to look after their own educational needs, and practice effectively in a continually changing and developing environment. The system reflects a change from an apprenticeship to one of working within teams, with shared responsibility for patient care, and accountability for patient safety within the framework of clinical governance.

With change comes uncertainty. The transition to MMC is not an insignificant one and affects almost all junior doctors practising in the UK. This website has been developed to provide an unbiased information resource for those either already within the Foundation Programme or those about to enter it. Westminster Publishing hope that trainees may find this site useful. We look forward to hearing and including your views of MMC on this website for the benefit of future trainees.

All the best for your future careers.

Professor John Lumley

Last updated 26/12/06