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Assessment - CbD

Clinical Evaluation Exercise

This tool assesses a '15 minute doctor/patient interaction', i.e. an observed consultation. Each clinical encounter should involve a different clinical problem (trainees should try and sample from each of the core 'problem groups' identified in the F2 curriculum).

The trainee receives immediate feedback from the observer. Trainers and trainees will need to identify areas of strength, areas for development and an action plan for each encounter.

No. per year:
4-6 (different observer for each clinical encounter)

Who can assess?
These may be staff grades, experienced SpRs or consultants in a secondary care setting, or the GP trainer or other GPs in a primary care setting.

How long does it take?
About 20 minutes each (15 mins for the assessment / 5 mins for feedback)

Assessment forms
You can look at and download the forms from the site below:

• HCAT (Health Care Assessment & Training) website

Last updated 25/12/06